2023-24 Global Trends Report

Launched last week at our London roundtable, our 2023-24 Global Trends Report presents a current snapshot of the most important global trends in AI policy and governance. It offers closer examination and comparison of developments in a selection of regions and countries across the globe, moving beyond analysis of formal instruments and documents towards an understanding of what they mean in practice, particularly from an AI assurance perspective.

  1. We identify six trends:
    While the European Union is set to enact AI-specific regulation, it is far from guaranteed that the AI Act will influence global norms.

  2. There is considerable convergence around OECD definitions and benchmarks, and nominally risk-based regimes.

  3. Large generative models have taken centre stage, but this has also laid bare the difficulties of contending with concentrated market power.

  4. Foundational AI process standards have now been published, but further expertise and capacity to implement are still needed.

  5. There have been important shifts in US public policy towards a more interventionist approach, and this will have wider global effects

  6. Geopolitical rifts are now more visible, with more countries pressured to position themselves in relation to the US and China.


Contribution to World AI Conference Shanghai


MAGF - A Call and Proposal for Assurance Information Sharing Standards