Advisory Board

The AI Assurance Club’s Board of Advisors all share a belief that good governance leads to better outcomes from AI, and that sound assurance helps build confidence. They help us steer the Club and its activities to ensure that we continue to make a unique contribution to safe, effective and well-governed use of AI. The Board’s members come from AI providers, users and organisations in the value chain. We also include academics, standards specialists and other experts from around the world.

Ansgar Koene photo

Dr Ansgar Koene

Dr Ansgar Koene is Global AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader at EY (Ernst & Young) where he leads the AI related public policy team and contributes to the work on AI governance and EY’s Trusted AI framework. As part of this work, he represents EY at the OECD Working Party on AI Governance and the Business at OECD Committee on Digital Economic Policy (BIAC CDEP) and is part of the consultative group of experts advising the UN Secretary-General’s 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI'. Ansgar chaired the IEEE P7003 Standard for Algorithmic Bias Considerations working group and is a co-convener for the European standards body (CEN-CENELEC JTC21) “AI” committee’s work on AI conformity assessment. He is a trustee for the 5Rights foundation for the Rights of Young People Online, advises on AI and Data Ethics for the pan-African NGO AfroLeadership, and is part of the SteerCo of the International Observatory on Information Democracy and the EU-funded research project on Fairness and Intersectional Non-Discrimination in Human Recommendation (FINDHR). Ansgar has a multi-disciplinary research background, having worked and published on topics ranging from Policy and Governance of Algorithmic Systems (AI), data-privacy, AI Ethics, AI Standards, bio-inspired Robotics, AI and Computational Neuroscience to experimental Human Behaviour/Perception studies. He holds an MSc in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computational Neuroscience.

Gry Hasselbalch photo

Gry Hasselbalch PhD

Gry Hasselbalch is an author and scholar specialising in data/AI ethics and international policy. She is academic director of the thinktank, has authored several books and holds a Ph.D. from University of Copenhagen. With a career spanning two decades, she has contributed significantly to the shaping of global policy discussions on AI and data, as a member of the EU's High-Level Expert Group on AI and Key Expert of the EU's

Nish Imthiyaz photo

Nish Imthiyaz

Nish Imthiyaz is a global digital regulatory lawyer with experience in Privacy, AI and other digital regulations across Telco and Financial Services. As the Global Legal counsel for Vodafone, Nish drives the digital legal compliance strategy across its global operations, ensuring compliance with diverse and complex regulatory telecom landscape. Nish is currently focused on the intersection of privacy, digital regulations and Responsible AI. Playing a leading role in Vodafone’s Global Responsible AI Program, he regularly participates in policy-influencing initiatives exploring standards in AI Trustworthiness in Telecom and is an active member of several other industry and policy think-tanks.

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Brad Mallard

Brad Mallard is a technology leader with over 30 years of experience in driving transformation and development programs that deliver value from the application of nascent and leading technology. As the Chief Technology Officer at Version 1, he leads the CTO Office in providing industry and technology advisory services, driving research, and defining the company's service portfolio and technology standards. Version 1 are responsible for delivering cutting edge AI solutions and expertise across sectors and dozens of different progressive organisations and government departments in the UK, Ireland and US. Brad is also committed to using his expertise for social good, supporting efforts with multiple charities in applying AI to help people with Neurodivergency, Dyslexia, and supporting young children from non-native English speakers. As a result, Brad has been providing guidance on AI and emerging technology over the past 12 months to the G7 through the B7 commercial sector working groups and the UK CBI.

Daniel Hulme PhD

Daniel Hulme is a globally recognised expert in AI and investor in emerging technologies. He's the CEO of the award winning AI company Satalia, acquired by the world's largest media company in 2021, WPP, where Daniel is also the Chief AI Officer. Daniel has been recognised as one of the top 10 Chief AI Officers globally. Amongst his investments, Daniel is also Co-founder and CEO of the World's first commercial research organisation to understand machine consciousness, Conscium. Having received a Masters and Doctorate in AI at UCL, Daniel has several academic roles including UCL's Computer Science Entrepreneur in Residence, focused on using AI to solve business and social problems. Daniel is a serial TEDx and keynote speaker on AI, ethics, innovation and decentralisation, and is a faculty member of SingularityU. He has advisory and executive positions across companies and governments. He holds an international Kauffman Global Entrepreneur Scholarship and actively promotes purposeful entrepreneurship and technology innovation across the globe.

Liang Chen

Liang Chen is Director of Huawei’s AI Standardisation and Industry Development department. He has been engaged in the AI and Data domains for over 20 years, and has a deep understanding of AI Governance and AI industry development. He is also member of the world's largest open source community, Apache Foundation, where he is active as a project management committee (PMC) member and committer of the Big Data Apache projects.

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Professor Emma Carmel

Emma Carmel is Professor of Governance and Public Policy at the University of Bath, where she leads on AI and Public Policy for the CDT on Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI (ART-AI). Prof Carmel is a political sociologist currently researching the development of digital and AI technologies and the role of the state. Her most recent book, with Regine Paul and Jennifer Cobbe, is Public Policy and Artificial Intelligence (Edward Elgar), and she regularly contributes her expertise on governance and AI technologies to policy discussions and in the media.

Thorsten Jelinek PhD

Thorsten Jelinek is a senior policy researcher in digital governance, co-author of the Think20 policy brief on the "Creation of a G20 Coordinating Committee for AI Governance," and author of a book on digital sovereignty. He holds fellowships and memberships with organisations such as the Hertie School’s Centre for Digital Governance, ITU, UNIDO, OECD, and the Taihe Institute. Currently, he is a PIFI Professor at the Aerospace Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also co-founded one of the first data cooperatives. His experience includes roles as associate director at the World Economic Forum, leadership positions in the ICT industry, and academic credentials including a PhD from the University of Cambridge, an MSc from LSE, and a Diplom-Betriebswirt in information systems from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences.

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Dr Bertie Müller

Dr Bertie Müller is Chairman of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB). He is also Co-Director of an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE) and PGT Programme Director for Computer Science in the Computational Foundry at Swansea University.  Bertie holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Hamburg, Germany. Before moving to Wales, he worked at Durham University. Throughout his academic career he has collaborated with industrial partners. His main research interests are in resource and location modelling, multi-agent programming, and intelligent systems. He regularly presents at international conferences and has publications in highly-acclaimed international journals and conference proceedings. Emphasis in his current work is on ethical design of technology and on making AI work for humanity, as well as the role of AI in Cyber Security.