Individual Membership

The AI Assurance Club brings together representatives from across the AI ecosystem. We do this by convening events and working groups with leading industry experts, AI assurance providers, regulators, policy makers, standards and certification bodies, and academic experts. We share key insights into the rapidly evolving AI assurance ecosystem, and offer unique opportunities for members to shape industry’s response to these developments. Our growing membership currently numbers around 300 professionals working in AI technology, international standards development, public policy, and universities.

There is no fee or obligation associated with individual membership. Members receive our monthly newsletter, together with invitations to our round tables, working groups and larger events. There is also a LinkedIn page for latest news.

Our Members

Our members live in almost all regions of the world. As you see below, the majority are in Europe, but we have members across the US, APAC, Scandinavia, China, South Asa, Africa and the Middle East.

Our members originate from across the AI ecosystem, as the breakdown below shows. We have particularly strong industry, government and regulatory membership, with standards and civil society also well represented.

Pie chart showing breakdown of members by organisation type.

Within Europe, our members come from a wide range of European nations.

Corporate Supporter

Our corporate partners benefit from the AI Assurance Club as a platform offering strategic connections and advocacy to help outreach. In addition, association with the AI Assurance Club helps our partners stay informed on latest regulation requirements and standards. It also signals engagement with best practice and a commitment to delivering responsible and trustworthy AI solutions. If you would like to join our growing base of corporate supporters, please do contact us to discuss the options available.

The AI Assurance Club is grateful for the support received from the following companies and organisations.