MAGF - A Call and Proposal for Assurance Information Sharing Standards
As we begin the third year of our AI Assurance Club initiative, we are delighted to announce the publication this week of 'MAGF - A Call and Proposal for Assurance Information Sharing Standards'. The Multi Actor Governance Framework (MAGF) is a response to the feedback from AI Assurance Club members that there is a pressing need for more focus on information sharing through the AI value chain. The Club's roundtable events over the coming year will consider the various facets and practical challenges of transparency and information sharing, together with process and content standardisation.
Best Efforts Cumulative Completion and Omission Feedback (BECCOF). #DP indicates information from Data Provider. #AD indicates information from AI Developer.
#AP indicates information from AI Provider. See MAGF white paper for full details.
The Multi Actor Governance Framework (MAGF) is a proposal to deliver effective assurance across the entire AI value chain, enabling organisations to make informed, risk based decisions that meet their formal legal requirements and their own business needs. Use of such a framework will increase organisational transparency and demonstrate a responsible approach to the development and deployment of AI based solutions within the AI ecosystem. This proposal has been jointly developed by a multidisciplinary working group comprised of members from business, academic and civil society organisations, facilitated by Global Digital Foundation through its AI Assurance Club initiative. Our sincere thanks to all the contributors.